Copyright Notice

Welcome to Slightly Off Canvas Gallery. We are dedicated to sharing high-quality images of artwork that are part of the public domain. All the artworks displayed on our website are freely available to the public under the public domain or relevant licenses.

Copyright Ownership

The images displayed on Slightly Off Canvas Gallery are from works that are either:

  • In the public domain due to their age or status as works of art, or
  • Licensed under various public domain or open access licenses.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information and to credit sources accordingly. However, if you believe any image on our site is incorrectly categorized or infringes on copyright, please contact us immediately using the contact form below.

Usage Rights

The images on Slightly Off Canvas Gallery are free to use, share, and remix, depending on the terms of their respective public domain status. However, while the images themselves may be in the public domain, the specific compilation, organization, and design of our website may still be subject to copyright protection.

You may:

  • Use the images for personal, educational, and non-commercial purposes.
  • Share the images online or print them, as long as you adhere to the terms of the public domain.

You may not:

  • Use the images for commercial purposes without seeking proper permissions or licensing.
  • Claim authorship or ownership of any artwork unless explicitly stated.

Thank you for visiting Slightly Off Canvas Gallery and supporting public domain art!

Contact us here